The Centre’s coordination and management structure consist of the following:
  1. The Governing Board
  2. The International Scientific Advisory Board (ISAB)
  3. The Industry Advisory Board
  4. The Centre Management Committee
  5. The Academic Board
  6. The Applied Research Coordinating Team.



The Governing Board is headed by the Vice Chancellor and is charged with general control and superintendence of policy and finances including its public relations and management of the properties of the Centre. The Vice Chancellor as head of the Centre’s Governing Board has full oversight function over the Centre and ensures that the infrastructural needs of the Centre are captured in the Institution’s annual budget


The International Scientific Advisory Board is composed of leading academics in the field of public health, toxicology, nutrition and nursing worldwide. They are expected to meet bi-annually either virtually or in person and are charged with general control and superintendence of policy and finances including its public relations and management of the properties of the Centre. They ensure the accounts of the Centre are properly kept and that all expenditures of the Centre follow due process in line with extant regulations in UniPort. They, in conjunction with the Industry Advisory Board, advice on the academic programmes and future research directions for the Centre.

The duties of the International Scientific Advisory Board include:

  1. Building a positive environment for achieving the objectives of the Centre.
  2. Establishing strategic direction and key initiatives for the operations of the Centre
  3. Engaging in mobilizing resources, human and material, necessary for the Centre to achieve set objectives
  4. Participating in upgrading the quality of management and creating excellence in the operations of the Centre.
  5. Providing technical backstopping in their respective areas of expertise to enhance the deliverables of the Centre.


The Centre is made of seven members and subject to the directions of the Governing Board, advice the Centre on all matters of general control, finances and properties of the Centre. The Board shall comprise relevant stakeholders who are industry and sector partners from outside the university. The Leader of the Centre may be invited to the meeting of both the International Scientific Advisory Group and/or the Industry Advisory Group but if he/she is not invited, feedback from such meetings should be communicated to the Leader within one-week of conclusion of such meetings.

The duties of the Industry Advisory Board include:

  1. Assist the Governing Board and Leader in the implementation and evaluation of the programmes and projects of the Centre.
  2. Promote an enabling environment for achieving the objectives of the Centre.
  3. Support the process of periodic review and development of the Centre’s strategic direction.
  4. Engage in mobilizing resources, human and material, necessary for the Centre to achieve set objectives
  5. Engender the support of the stakeholders and target populations relevant to the operations of the Centre.


This is composed of the Centre Leader, the Centre Deputy Leader, the Centre’s Administrative Team Leader, the Academic Program Coordinator, the Applied Research Coordinator, the Industrial Liaison Officer and the Financial Management Coordinator. These meet monthly and take decisions on the day to day administration of all the activities carried out under the Centre

The functions of the management Committee include:

  1. Planning and coordinating review meetings and activities of the ACE project;
  2. Managing the project administration, preparing reports & presentations; providing management information accordingly;
  3. Develop methodologies for planning and implementation of project activities;
  4. Tracking progress against project plan and allocated budget;
  5. Development of project concept notes and terms of reference for project activities;
  6. Development of project annual work plan for NUC, ACE, and collating of work and procurement plans of all the ACEs for submission to World Bank and Association of African Universities.
  7. Draw-up budget estimates for line activities in the Work Plan and other ACE activities;
  8. Participate in meetings to share perspective as well as work collaboratively to contribute to achieving the Project Management team’s planned objectives and outcomes.



  1. The Centre’s Academic Board include all Deans of Faculties and Directors of Centres related to PUTOR, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, Graduate Studies Coordinators of the collaborating Departments in the Centre.
  2. The chairman of the Academic Board is the Leader of the Centre or in his absence, the Deputy Centre Leader or the Academic programme coordinator.
  3. The administrative officer of the Centre provides the Academic Board with secretariat services and other needed support.

The Academic Board:

  1. Coordinate and control the quality of postgraduate tuition in the Centre;
  2. Require regular attendance of students during lectures and other academic activities
  3. Review application for postgraduate admission and make recommendation to the Centre and the host University’s School of Graduate Studies.
  4. Promote group and multi-disciplinary academic training programmes in the Centre
  5. Carry out other functions assigned to it by the board and School of Graduate Studies.

Members of the PUTOR Management Committee

Name Designation
Onyewuchi Akaranta Coordinator, World Bank Centre of Excellence, UniPort
Daprim Ogaji Centre Leader
Orish Orisakwe Deputy Centre Leader
Nengi Isagua Head, Account
Anselem Umor Internal Auditor
William Wordi Communication Officer
Henry Amadi Procurement Officer
Kingsley Patrick-Iwuanyanwu Academic Program Coordinator/M&E Officer
Oluseye Babatunde Applied Research Coordinator
Faith Diorgu Industrial Liaison Officer
Best Ordinioha Public Health Research Team Leader & Environment/Social Safeguard
Anthonet Ezejiofor Toxicological Research Team Leader
Catherine Ikewuchi Nutrition Research Team Leader
Josephine Gbobbo Nursing Research Team Leader
Worlu Rosanna Student enrolment and support officer
Confidence Igwe Head, Admin/Desk Officer Dean, School of Graduate Studies Director, Institute of Marine Pollution Studies Director, Exchange and Linkage Programme Director, UniPort School of Public Health HOD, Biochemistry HOD, Nursing HOD, Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology


The Applied Research Coordinating Team consist of the Centre’s Applied Research Coordinator and research team leaders. These meet monthly and take decision on all research activities carried out under the Centre.

Performance-based incentives cutting across staff participation in education and research activities is provided for staff. These will include but not restricted to – providing regular training opportunities for academic and administrative staff; sponsorship to academic and professional conferences; payment of article processing charges (selected articles); supportive management practice; creation of a learning environment.

The Industrial liaison Coordinating Team

Industrial liaison team headed by the industrial liaison (ILO) is adopted by ACE-PUTOR university of Port Harcourt to maintain effective collaborative partnership between the ACE-PUTOR and Industrial partners.

The functions of the industry/sector liaison committee include to:

  1. Foster healthy collaborative association that will provide opportunities for ACE-PUTOR scholars to gain field experiences and further develop confidence
  2. Create opportunities for students to apply research evidence in solving health problems arising from oil and gas exploration
  3. Carry out periodic assessment of industries’ employment and training needs.
  4. Determine the health problems of interest to the industrial partners

The Roles/Responsibilities of the Industrial Liaison Officer (ILO)

  1. Foster mutually beneficial collaboration with ACE-PUTOR Uniport and Industrial Partners
  2. Manage the interaction between the ACE-PUTOR and the Industrial partners
  3. Ensure that the targeted Centre strategic plan and objectives in relation to partnering industries are met.
  4. Monitor and track industrial partners engagement
  5. Regularly engage with the industrial partners to ensure that contributions are in line with those originally agreed
  6. Negotiate and encourage increased contribution where possible
  7. Identify, develop and manage the relationship with either potential companies for inclusion in the centre
  8. Enhance the engagement of the industrial partners and facilitate the commercial development of intellectual property developed within the collaborative scheme
  9. Support the conclusion of agreement between the ACE-PUTOR and the industrial partners
  10. Regularly update the ACE-PUTOR on the services and activities undertaken with industrial partners.
  11. The ILO is also expected to be active in the liaison organization and attends their key meetings.

The Communication Team:

  1. Lead the team that provides secretarial services at meetings of the ACE Project Secretariat at NUC and those of the ACEs that are of interest to the Secretariat;
  2. Serve as the Secretariat's rapporteurs at ACE Workshops; and
  3. Produce the Quarterly Excellence Newsletter and ACE documentary as well as coordinate press coverage of the activities of the ACE Secretariat and the Centres.
  4. Design and Manage ACE website;
  5. Upload news, announcements, events and images;
  6. Covering events of the ACE, with a view to drafting reports and/or stories;
  7. Drafting Communiques from workshops organised by the ACE;
  8. Staff writer for the ACE Project’s Newsletter;
  9. Drafting minutes from meetings of the ACE;

Finance and Accounts Team

  1. Superintends over the Finance and Accounts team;
  2. Monitors the progress of the ACE project finances, and ensure that financial reports are generated as at when due;
  3. Assign task to finance team members and ensure their productivity and effectiveness;
  4. Any other assignments assigned by the Project Coordinator;
  5. Maintenance/ Reconciliation of ACE (Secretariat) Naira/Dollar/ A/C Cash books;
  6. Preparation of Statement of Expenditure;
  7. Submission of withdrawal application;
  8. Preparation of Interim Financial Report;
  9. Undertakes Remita Payments;
  10. Preparation of CBN Mandates/other documents for the ACE;
  11. Processing of payments vouchers for the ACE;
  12. Preparation of Interim Financial Report (IFR);
  13. Preparation of Statement of Expenditure (SOE);
  14. Management of the ACE store and store keeping;
  15. Maintenance of Assets Register;
  16. Filing of documents/ Payment Vouchers;
  17. Processing of outflow and inflow payment report;
  18. Other functions as may be assigned by the Centre Leader


  1. ACE-PUTOR is adopting Accrual Basis of Accounting in line with IPSAS
  2. The Accounting system allows for the proper recording of the project financial transactions including the allocation of expenditures in accordance with respective components, disbursement categories and sources of funds.
  3. Controls are in place concerning the preparation and approval of transactions, ensuring that all transactions are correctly made and adequately explained.
  4. Cost allocations are accurately made to the various funding sources in accordance with established agreements.
  5. The accounting and supporting documents are retained on a permanent basis and are in a defined system that allows for easy access to authorized users.
  6. The general ledgers and subsidiary ledgers are reconciled for balancing.
  7. Purchase orders are obtained directly from issuing departments, ensuring accuracy of calculations, ensuring invoice quantities, prices are in line with records of goods actually received.
  8. All applications for expenditure are made to the Vice Chancellor through the Centre Leader. The Centre Leader minutes such applications to the Vice Chancellor who approves after audit vetting and certification.
  9. Upon approval, the Project Accountant raises and processes payment vouchers before payments are made to beneficiaries.
  10. Accounting documents and records are maintained by the Project Accountant. These include
  11. Bank Reconciliation statements prepared on a monthly basis
  12. The semi-Annual Accounting reports prepared on semi-annual basis and submitted to World Bank
  13. Ledgers, trial balances, cash book and Receipt/Payment account are updated regularly.
  14. The Project Accountant is the custodian of all accounting documents including the cheque studs available for all accounts operated by the centre
  15. The Project Accountant engages in active financial management and ensures that accounting challenges associated with disbursement of funds are resolved
  16. The Project Accountant liaises with both the internal and external auditor to resolve issues of internal controls or risk rated audit observations in order to improve on existing accounting/control practices.


The internal auditor is responsible for:

  1. Prepayment auditing of Payment Vouchers by carrying out detailed checks of all processes leading to payment and ensuring their completeness.
  2. Expenditure Verification/Certification.
  3. Price verification in order to make appropriate price recommendations on requests and proposals for procurement purposes while also enforcing the due process principle of transparency and value for money.
  4. Physical inspection of goods and services to ensure strict adherence to quality and specification.
  5. Ensuring complete and continues verification of assets, stock records and carrying out bi-annual stock taking; as well as safeguarding the assets of the ACE.
  6. Conducting periodic checks on the operations and books of accounts of the ACE to ensure adequate and accurate financial records are maintained for all transactions.
  7. Ensuring strict adherence to quality, quantity and specification are met in all transactions
  8. Ensuring that Payee Tax, Value Added Tax and Withholding Tax guidelines are followed and deductions are remitted to the appropriate agencies of the government.
  9. Preparation and submission of the ACE Internal Audit reports.


  1. The Centre leader minutes all applications to the Chairman, Steering Committee (i.e. The Vice Chancellor) for approval.
  2. All payments are vetted and certified by the Internal Auditor.
  3. Vouchers are raised by the Project Accountant for all payments in line with Financial Regulations.
  4. All procurements follow existing public procurement rules of the University.

Statutory Financial Management Committees

  1. Audit Committee -The University Audit Committee serves as the Audit Committee for all projects in the Centre.
  2. Procurement Committee- This includes the project procurement officer and other relevant officers.
  3. The Budget Committee - This includes the M&E Officer and other relevant officers.


  1. Internal Audit Reports are sent to the World Bank on Semi-Annual basis.
  2. External Audit Reports are sent to the World Bank on Annual basis.

Other Audit Activities

  1. The Internal Auditor identifies areas of weaknesses in controls and makes recommendations to help improve existing control practices.
  2. The Internal Auditor advices management and ensures that expenditures are made in line with approved work plans.

Procurement Officer

  1. Overall supervision and coordination of Procurement activities of the ACE and Procurement Committee members;
  2. Coordinating Bid Opening (Financial and Technical Bids) for the ACE and participates at the bid opening exercise for the ACE;
  3. Representing the ACE on external assignment pertaining to Procurement issues and the entrenchment of Due Process mechanism at the ACE;
  4. Preparation of Pre-qualification and Bid Evaluation Reports on major procurement;
  5. Carrying out appropriate market surveys for requests made;
  6. Aggregating procurement requirements to obtain economy of scale;
  7. Monitoring compliance with Tenders procedures within the ACE;
  8. Follow-up of “Certificate of No Objection” with the BPP for the ACE where necessary;
  9. Ensuring compliance with specification of goods, works and services supplied or rendered.
  10. Ensures that the ACE complies with extant procurement rules

Monitoring and Evaluation

  1. Ensure there is a smooth flow of communication on project monitoring and reporting requirements;
  2. Oversee M&E activities related to monitoring of inputs and activities as well as monitoring progress towards results, ensuring that data collection is focused on core set of key indicators as per the Results Framework;
  3. Develop a logistics plan and schedule with performance monitoring matrixes;
  4. Outline the matrixes for M&E activities including data to be collected, when, how, and by whom and reporting mechanisms to feed into the progress reports and/or annual reviews;
  5. Ensure that data collected is gender inclusive and reports include consideration of how equity is being addressed;
  6. Monitoring of progress towards achievement of results;
  7. Review drafts of the progress reports to ensure that they follow the agreed report template and guidelines set down and advise on strengthening of reports;
  8. Compile monitoring and evaluation reports in a format acceptable to the World Bank and for review and analysis by the National Project Coordinator and the Regional Facilitation Unit;
  9. Develop and assist with the dissemination of the achievements of the ACE in user-friendly formats to relevant stakeholder groups and the public at large.


  1. Description of the ACE, including location and distance for material sourcing, especially aggregates, water, stones, etc.;
  2. Ensure that the ACE complies with national & local legislation & permits that apply to the project activity;
  3. That the ACE complies with all relevant World Bank policies;
  4. That public consultation process took place (where applicable);
  5. That capacity building needs of the ACE with emphasis on environmental safeguards are identified, and that the necessary capacity building programs are designed and implemented;
  6. That the potential issues involved in the following activities of the ACE are identified:
    • New construction
    • Rehabilitation of existing buildings
    • Management of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes
    • Hazardous or toxic materials
    • Health and occupational safety
    • Protection of forest lands and wild life, etc.
  7. That the impact of all site activities is identified and appropriate mitigation measures put in place, including:
    • Notification and worker safety
    • Air and water quality
    • Noise
    • Waste management (including toxic waste)
    • Cultural heritage
    • Land acquisition
    • Protection of forests, wetlands and protected areas
    • Disposal of medical and infrastructural wastes
    • Traffic and pedestrian safety
  8. That the ACE strictly complies to the approved Environmental Safeguards Monitoring Plan (ESMP)

PUTOR’s core performance indicators

The indicators for measuring performance are:

  1. Number of students trained for Master and PhD degrees (require a ratio of 3 Nigerian to 1 regional student; support female education)
  2. Number of research article published in the focal area of the Centre
  3. Amount of money internally generated by the centre and collaborating units
  4. Number of short courses undertaken (ratio applies)
  5. Impact of the Centre to the university and the community